Low-dimensional (super)conductors at low temperature or high magnetic field are a fantastic playground for experimentalists. Our research activities aim at unveiling new quantum phenomena related to 2d superconductivity, quantum localization, and quantum Hall effect. We are currently focusing on:

  • Quantum coherence and anyon physics in the quantum Hall effect in graphene
  • Strongly disordered superconductors and their applications to quantum circuits
  • Topological Josephson junctions

Our fields of expertise cover state-of-the-art nanofabrication, quantum transport of mesoscopic devices, and low-temperature/high field STM spectroscopy.




First-order quantum breakdown of superconductivity in an amorphous superconductor

We discovered that highly disordered superconductors, such as indium oxide films, undergo abrupt first-order quantum phase transitions, challenging traditional theories that assume gradual transitions. Our findings, which reveal a sharp drop in superfluid stiffness at a critical disorder level, have significant implications for quantum circuits that use disordered superconductors as superinductors. 

T. Charpentier, D. Perconte, S. Léger, K. Amin, F. Blondelle, F. Gay, O. Buisson, Lev I., A. Khvalyuk, I. Poboiko, M. Feigel’man, N. Roch, B. Sacépé Nature Physics (2025)

Some news outlets: Quantum Insider, Interesting Engineering, Phys.org


Evidence for correlated electron pairs and triplets in quantum Hall interferometers

This study we have evidenced unusual electron pairing and tripling phenomena without attractive interactions in graphene quantum Hall Fabry–Pérot interferometers (QH FPIs). At a bulk filling factor of ν = 2, electron pairing occurs  while at ν = 3, electron tripling emerges, characterized by a fractional Aharonov–Bohm flux period of h/2e and h/3e, respectively. Using plunger-gate spectroscopy, we show that charge transport in this pairing and tripling regime is correlated across two and three edge channels.

W. Yang, D. Perconte, C. Déprez, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Dumont, E. Wagner, F. Gay, I. Safi, H. Sellier, B. Sacépé Nature Communications 15:10064 (2024)


Evidence for chiral supercurrent in quantum Hall Josephson junctions

In this work we have tackled the complex challenge of associating two emblematic quantum phenomena of condensed matter: the quantum Hall effect and superconductivity. We demonstrated the existence of a chiral Josephson supercurrent with unprecedented properties flowing between two superconducting electrodes, connected by a graphene nanoribbon in the quantum Hall regime. This supercurrent is transported along the quantum Hall edge channels of the graphene, forming a chiral loop whose rotation direction depends on the sign of the magnetic field.

H. Vignaud, D. Perconte, W. Yang, B. Kousar, E. Wagner, F. Gay, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Courtois, Z. han, H. Sellier, B. Sacépé, Nature, Nov. 29th (2023)


Absence of edge reconstruction for quantum Hall edge channels in graphene devices

This study report on the first scanning tunneling spectroscopy of quantum Hall edge channels in graphene under a perpendicular magnetic field. Our work reveals that these edge channels are confined to a few magnetic lengths at crystal edges, confirming them as ideal 1D chiral channels without  electrostatic reconstruction. The findings carry implications for electron and heat transport experiments in graphene and other 2D crystalline materials.

A. Coissard, A. G. Grushin, C. Repellin, L.Veyrat, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Gay, H. Courtois, H. Sellier, B. Sacépé, Science Advances 9, eadf7220(2023)


Imaging tunable quantum Hall broken-symmetry orders in graphene

When electrons populate a flat band their kinetic energy becomes negligible, forcing them to organize in exotic many-body states to minimize their Coulomb energy. The zeroth Landau level of graphene under a magnetic field is a particularly interesting strongly interacting flat band because interelectron interactions are predicted to induce a rich variety of broken-symmetry states with distinct topological and lattice-scale orders, which we evidence in this work.

A. Coissard, D. Wander, H. Vignaud, A. G. Grushin, C. Repellin, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Gay, C. B. Winkelmann, H. Courtois, H. Sellier, B. Sacépé, Nature 605, 51 (2022)


A tunable Fabry-Pérot quantum Hall interferometer in graphene

Electron interferometry with quantum Hall (QH) edge channels in semiconductor heterostructures can probe and harness the exchange statistics of anyonic excitations. In this work we show that high-mobility monolayer graphene constitutes an alternative material system, not affected by charging effects, for performing Fabry–Pérot QH interferometry in the integer QH regime.

C. Déprez, L. Veyrat, H. Vignaud, G. Nayak, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Gay, H. Sellier and B. Sacépé, Nature Nanotechnology 16, 555 (2021)


Review Article: Quantum breakdown of superconductivity in low-dimensional materials

This Review Article summarizes recent progress in understanding of the various pathways that lead to the destruction of superconductivity by the interplay of disorder, localization and interactions, including experiments in low dimensional materials and application in superconducting quantum devices. 

B. Sacépé, M. Feigel’man, T. Klapwijk, Nature Physics 7, 734 (2020)

Helical quantum Hall phase in graphene on SrTiO3

We unveiled a new interaction-induced topological phase in the zeroth Landau level of graphene. This phase is insulating in the bulk and exhibits a pair of spin-filtered, helical edge channels. It emerges under moderate perpendicular magnetic field when graphene is placed in proximity to a high-k dielectric substrate. In this work we demonstrated a remarkably robust quantum spin Hall effect that withstands up to 110 K over micron-long distances which opens a new avenue for spintronics and topological superconductivity.

L. Veyrat, C. Deprez, A. Coissard, X. Li, F. Gay, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Vitto Han, B. Piot, H. Sellier, B. Sacépé, Science 367, 781 (2020)
See also CNRS press release here.

When Joule poisons Majorana in topological Josephson junctions

The search for experimental evidence of Majorana modes is an area of intense research in condensed matter and quantum physics and uncovering clear evidence is complicated. We investigate the impact of Joule heating which can influence the analysis of experimental features related to Majorana bound states in topological Josephson junctions.

K. Le Calvez, L. Veyrat, F. Gay, P. Plaindoux, C. Winkelmann, H. Courtois, B. Sacépé, Communications Physics, 2:4 (2019)


Low-temperature anomaly in disordered superconductors near Bc2 as a vortex-glass property
Strongly disordered superconductors in a magnetic field exhibit many characteristic properties of type-II superconductivityexcept at low temperatures, where an anomalous linear temperature dependence of the resistive critical field Bc2 is routinely observed. Here we report systematic measurements of the critical magnetic field and current on amorphous indium oxide films which show that the Bc2 anomaly is accompanied by mean-field-like scaling of the critical current. Based on a comprehensive theoretical study we demonstrate that these observations are a consequence of the vortex-glass ground state and its thermal fluctuations.
 B. Sacépé, J. Seidemann, F. Gay, K. Davenport, A. Rogachev, M. Ovadia, K. Michaeli, M. V. Feigel’man Nature Physics 15, 48-53 (2019) 
 See also CNRS press release: http://www.cnrs.fr/inp/spip.php?article6274

Pair-breaking quantum phase transition in superconducting nanowires

Transport measurements performed on MoGe superconducting nanowires reveal a quantitative agreement with quantum critical behaviour driven by a pair-breaking mechanism.

Hyunjeong Kim, Frédéric Gay, Adrian Del Maestro, Benjamin Sacépé, Andrey Rogachev. Nature Physics 14, 912-917 (2018)



Pinching off electron edge-channels in graphene

High mobility graphene van der Waals heterostructures equipped with split-gate electrodes enable to control the transmission of integer and fractional quantum Hall edge channels in a gate tunable fashion, demonstrating Quantum Point Contact operation in the quantum Hall regime of graphene.

Anna Jordan, Frédéric Gay, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Zheng Han, Vincent Bouchiat, Hermann Sellier, Benjamin Sacépé, Nature Communications 8:14983 (2017)